Services I provide

intuitive readings for humans

I connect with your higher self and spirit to answer questions you have. Questions of love, money, career, family or health. Come with an open heart to receive messages that bring enlightenment to your spiritual growth. This life is a journey of discovery. Bring any questions you have for spirit. They are always ready to bring guidance. Added bonus: I can pull an oracle card to bring understanding of a situation and intuitively read the card for clarification.


15 minute recorded Reading $45


1/2 Hour Zoom Session $85


1 Hour Zoom Session $144


Zoom sessions can be recorded.

intuitive readings for Animals

Have a question or concern for your pet(s). Hearing what your animal has to share with you can help bring healing to both of you. Often times a message confirms what you have felt all along. Clarity to concerns you have can be addressed in a reading. Is your pet behaving unusual? A reading can bring awareness to what they are feeling. A reading for your pet will help you move forward in a positive outlook to the situations you are both experiencing. 


15 minute recorded Reading $45


1/2 Hour Zoom Session $85


1 Hour Zoom Session $144 


If booking more than one animal there is a 15% discount for the additional pets. Zoom sessions can be recorded.

energy healing

During the session I will connect with your energy or your pets energy and do a scan of 7 chakras (energy centers) in your body. A reading will bring attention to areas where there is blocked or stagnant energy. I will then send the healing energy to help clear the flow of energy through your body. Intuitive guidance is shared to help encourage a clear flow of energy.


1/2 Hour Session $75


bundle of three sessions $185


One session is not a cure all. As energy moves and changes all the time. 


What usually follows after a mediumship reading is a greater sense of peace, healing and a deeper understanding of the existence of life after death. It is comforting to hear our loved ones are free of pain. Often loved ones are able to send a validating message to assure your ego self this is indeed a message from your loved one. As with all messages from the spirit realm I share what they want you to know for your highest good.

Come prepared with questions you have for your loved one.


1/2 Hour Session $85


1 Hour Session $144


Prior to meeting I do a reading tapping into a past life. I receive the message and share with you. I will then intuitively read how this affects you in this lifetime. Afterwards, I ask if you have any questions. What usually transpires is a clearer understanding of what you have experienced in this lifetime and how you can heal. Healing is a journey of the soul.

As with all messages from the spirit realm I share what they want you to know for your highest good. Come prepared with an open heart.


45 minute Session $122