Explore the spiritual world!


I offer services that will help answer some of the questions you have and healing needed. I am an open vessel for your loved ones, higher self, arch angels and others in the spiritual realm to communicate with. 


Spirit encourages all of us to explore the depths of our soul. They remind us that life is full of magic and you control the journey by your thoughts. Open yourself to experience the beauty of life.


In all the services I require a photograph that clearly shows both eyes and full body. Through the eyes I connect to the soul. Ever hear the saying "eyes of the soul". Sessions are conducted through Zoom or FaceTime. 

Services I provide

intuitive readings for humans

What are you ready to learn about yourself? Do you wonder what is out there for you? Spirit asks you and reminds you to look within. All the answers are within. As an intuitive I can help by connecting you with spirit to answer your questions. Spirit is always available and is willing to bring answers to your concerns. Bring these questions and an open heart and let me help you hear the messages. 

intuitive readings for Animals

Our relationship with our animals is an incredible experience. Our animals have so much unconditional love to share and would love for you to hear what they have to say. Sometimes we are so close to our pets we are unable to hear what they say or we question what we hear. I would love to help bring voice to your pet and share with you what they have to say. Connect with me and I will help you.

energy healing

My healing is a combination of reiki and scalar wave. I first scan the body of either you or your animal to feel the energy. In this process I'm able to direct healing/clearing where needed. 

To increase the benefits of a healing treatment it is best to be relaxed and in a quiet space to receive.



To know that our souls never die is not enough. We long to experience their touch and voice. To be separated physically is a difficult process to experience. In grief it can hinder our abilities to experience them reaching out to us for comfort. Knowing they are there is not enough. As a medium I can be that vessel to connect with your loved one and know they are at peace.  Better yet, ask them questions you have for them. Allow for them to send you direct messages. This process is healing for your soul. I encourage you to reach out and let me be of service. Your loved ones are ready when you are.


  • Journey of the Soul. Ever wonder why you are the way you are? Well then you are ready to explore deeper to the meaning of this lifetime. Understanding what your soul has experienced through previous lives brings insight to heal your soul in this life.
  • Feel lost? Through past life readings spirit will bring enlightenment to areas of your life that you could heal to feel more in alignment of your path. Past life acknowledgement will help you better understand yourself.
  • Carrying trauma through lifetimes? Past life readings can bring this to surface. 
  • We are all here to learn in this life. Let's get started and bring awareness to what needs healing.


  • As a professional dog trainer I have been around the animal communicator community for some time now. I have had readings done by quite a few people, some were very accurate some not so much. Then I met Michele, I was taken back by my reading from her. Most readings are very general, without true specificity. Her readings were the most detailed, in depth, accurate and informative readings I have had. When I lost my Soul-dog Astro, Michele gave me the closure I so desperately needed. She filled in the missing pieces of our relationship and made me feel more at ease with his passing. I have also used her to help with dogs I am struggling to reach while training. She's been able to help me achieve a clear understanding behind a particular dogs behavior. I can not recommend Michele Schuman enough, she will forever be my go to for insight into my dogs but also the dogs I train. Stefano Filippeli, K9 Intuition
  • Michele brought so much joy to my life and my husband. I was in a car accident in October and she had no idea. Through channeling  I could hear what my Grandfather wanted me to know, he saved my life. Knowing that there are much more things coming to us in life was so wonderful to hear. She truly is the best at being able to answer questions for me that I would never get if she wasn't so in touch with spirit. Haily G. 
  • Michele has popped into my life unexpectedly on two separate occasions to help lighten the pain of losing my husband. Her connection with spirit is strong and pure, and sharing that with me, bringing my husband through, was no less than miraculous.   Becky N.
  • I've never been given an Akashic reading prior to meeting with Michele. Her reading was extensive - providing every single detail she received and then some. It was truly an emotional and reflective experience. Michele has a very warm, welcoming energy and a bonafide gift in her practice. Jethro T.
  • I would highly recommend Michele Schuman to help your pet through her use of Reiki as well as her ability to read pets. We had two older dogs who benefited from her use of Reiki in particular. One of my senior dogs dealt with diabetes as well as arthritis in her legs and after a session with Michele she would be prancing around, and you could tell felt much better. Even when Michele did Reiki not in person, I could notice our dog was feeling better. I think we all want our pets to feel their best and the use of Reiki definitely will help. Trish B.